On Order: Sony PSP
I already have the Nintendo DS, Gameboy SP, Gameboy, Gamecube, Microsoft Xbox, Sega Dreamcast, Sony Playstation 2 (JAP) and now I can proudly say that I have a pre-order on the Sony PSP.
Despite getting the Nintendo DS just a few months ago in mid-December before going on my vacation to Asia I am more excited about the PSP. The DS is a great product with dual LCD screens, Wi-FI, touch screen and ability to play old Gameboy games, but it is somehow lacking in the coolness department. It is a bit too big with screen that are too small (although having 2 of them is quite fun). Perhaps the best thing about the DS has been the Picto chat through which any number of DS users can chat by typing and drawing on the touchscreen. Its an amazing feature to use when on trains and other public areas where other DS users usually found.
Although $250 poorer I am excited about the Sony PSP. It looks absolutely beautiful in only the way that Sony can produce exciting consumer electronics (Apple has a similar cool factor, but white can only be sooo cool before being kind of dorky). You can be sure that I will post a review as soon as I have a chance to test out the PSP.