Mobile Photo Blog
Photos from the life of a 2L law student in the heart of the Silicon Valley. Technology, cars, traffic, food, weather, the library... you can see it all here.
Contracts test
Prep for contracts = starbucks, walking, library, then EXAM!
My prison for the night
Bannan hall
The RNC Recognizes my contributions for this year. Yay!
A nice cup of Jamba Juice in the morning, well more like for lunch since its already 11:30
Some Milky Drink from Japan
Double wide wallpaper I use on my dual LCD setup
Wallpaper For Ya'll
Final stop for the day is the Prison with the misleading title of Library on the outside.
Took a little detour to the campus bookstore to get a Pilot G2 Gel Pen. The only had the 0.7mm ... where are the 0.5mm I love?
Walking onto SCU campus on Palm Drive. Very nice day outside ...
Library at 9 pm after torts finals
Kill me now
Starbucks Break
Its 12:10pm, only an hour before my Torts finals... Taking a starbucks
breack since I am a stockholder and wanted to support my company =)
Visiting memorial park in cupertino
Sfo vending machine camera
Finally saw the hi tech vending machine at SFO. Very cool.
From Gizmodo
Motorola has confirmed the images we ran last week [reproduced here] are indeed development shots of iTunes Mobile, as well as confirming a July launch date for the software.
The correct images of the iTunes screens are still under development and are not final nor approved by either Apple or Motorola. We would expect them to be available mid July when the product launches.
Thank you in advance for removing these images from your site.
Kind regards,
System Administrator
Motorola Collective
Are you looking for a cheap digital camera or digital reflex? Come and visit Akihabara, the only place where these items can be found on every street corner. This is a nice collection of cameras and lenses at ridiculously low prices. Don't count on your warranty terms though...